Terri (She/Her) Inouye
    CUPE 716 Members Only Area
    Eliminating daytime custodial services in Victoria schools
    2 years ago no Comment

    VICTORIA – Eliminating daytime custodial services is an ill-conceived plan that will leave Victoria schools less clean and healthy, lead to increased spread of common illnesses, and more student and […]

    2 years ago no Comment
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    2 years ago no Comment
    2 years ago no Comment

    Are you an Education Assistant substitute  hired to work for the school board? Are you working everyday? Is the ADOS system working for you? Are you receiving phone calls? If […]

    2 years ago no Comment
    2 years ago no Comment
    3 years ago no Comment

    Personal protective equipment is designed for men. This means it can be hard for women to get PPE that fits appropriately.   As part of CUPE’s ongoing work on this issue, the Health and […]

    3 years ago no Comment

    From the Black Excellence Day website: After supporting “Black Shirt Day,” which received overwhelming support around  the world on January 15, 2021,  the members of Ninandotoo Society created the Black Excellence […]