At the upcoming June General Meeting we will be electing members to serve on the following Standing Committees:
Pro D Day
Health and Welfare
Please read on for the description of each committee, taken from the 2022 Constitution:
Standing Committees:
The Chairperson of each standing committee shall be elected annually by the members at a membership meeting and be a member in good standing.
Following the election of Chairperson of each standing committee, the Chairperson and the Executive may, with the concurrence of the membership, jointly appoint other members to serve on a committee.
The President shall be a member, ex-officio, of each committee. The Union Wellness Program Committee
shall be considered a standing committee but shall be governed solely by the terms set out in Section 2 below.
There shall be seven standing committees as follows:
1. Grievance Committee
It is the function of this committee to:
i) Oversee the handling of all local grievances.
ii) Receive copies of all grievances.
iii) Prepare a report on the status of all grievances to be submitted to the Executive Board, the National Representative, and to the membership meeting;
iv) When a grievance is not settled in the initial steps provided for in the Collective Agreement, this committee will decide whether or not the grievance should proceed to arbitration.
v) If the decision is to not proceed, the griever(s) may appeal the decision to the Executive Board
This committee will be composed of the President, Vice-President, and 2nd Vice President. Where an issue applies to a particular area or group of members, the Shop Steward for that area may be engaged as part of the committee.
2. Education Committee
It is the function of this committee to:
i) Arrange for representation of the Local at any appropriate and available educational seminar or conference and submit recommendations accordingly to the Executive Committee;
ii) Encourage delegates to present reports to the membership on seminars and conferences and maintain a reference file of participants;
iii) When necessary sponsor and promote educational activities for the membership.
Committee members shall be reimbursed for expenses properly incurred and previously approved by the Executive Committee and the membership.
3. Pro-D Committee
It is the function of this committee to:
i) Arrange for representation of the Local at any appropriate and available Pro-D workshops, speakers, seminars or conferences and submit recommendations accordingly to the Executive Committee;
ii) When necessary, sponsor and promote Pro-D activities for the membership
Committee members shall be reimbursed for expenses properly incurred and previously approved by the Executive Committee and the membership.
4. Health & Welfare Committee
It is the function of this committee to:
i) Extend the Local’s best wishes to members who are ill or incapacitated;
ii) Extend the Local’s congratulations to a member upon the birth or adoption of a child;
iii) Extend the Local’s condolences in the event of a death of a member or one of their immediate family and make any other appropriate gesture in accordance with custom or the wishes of the family concerned.
Committee members shall be reimbursed for expenses properly incurred and previously approved by the Executive Committee and the membership.
5. Social Committee
It is the function of this committee to:
i) Arrange and conduct all social and recreational activities of the Local either on the committee’s own initiative or as a result of decisions taken at membership meetings;
ii) Submit reports and proposals to the Executive Committee and to the membership as required;
iii) Submit financial reports for social functions to the Executive Committee no later than one month after the event.
Committee members shall be reimbursed for expenses properly incurred and previously approved by the Executive Committee and the membership.
6. Communications Committee
It is the function of this committee to:
i) prepare and distribute news releases to the membership via newsletters on a minimum basis of four (4) issues per school year to keep members informed of social events, educational seminars, information from CUPE BC, CUPE National and the Local
ii) Inform the membership of any news releases and information pertaining to the membership via CUPE 716’s social media accounts
iii) Ensure that each issue of the newsletter contains the following disclaimer; “Views of this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the Executive Committee”.
iv) Attend all membership meetings
Committee members shall be reimbursed for expenses properly incurred and previously approved by the Executive Committee and the membership.