Hi everyone,
Hi wanted to give you an update on bargaining and the district budget shortfall.
First bargaining:
For those that don’t know there are two bargaining tables. Provincially and locally. We bargain locally with the employer on local issues. The Provincial bargaining team is made up of K-12 representatives from locals from different regions in the Province. They bargain directly with the government through their bargaining group made up of BCPSEA members. This bargaining table bargains wages and benefits and other monetary and non monetary issues. They met in March but have not agreed to anything. They have taken a “break” from bargaining. The last offer was unacceptable. It was less than 2 percent per year for three years. Right now Cupe is joining other unions to push the government for a more acceptable offer.
Local Bargaining:
Your contract expires this year at midnight on June 30th. Please submit your bargaining proposals on this form to the union office by May 30th. As of today we have not met with the employer to begin bargaining. We have been asked to wait until the Provincial Bargaining committee has completed their bargaining before we exchange proposals and start local bargaining.
As I hear any news I will update you.
Now the budget:
Once again there is a budget deficit. As usual the board is looking to balance the budget by cutting our jobs. Details are on the district website. They are proposing to cut Library Technicians. Career Information advisors and other positions including the Education Assistant- Literacy Support position. All Cupe jobs are important. The district cannot run without us. The students cannot realize their potential without us. I am outraged by these cuts. To add insult to injury they are adding a management position and replacing retiring exempt staff. They refuse to look at cutting management positions to save our jobs.Please support your fellow union members by writing to the trustees and tell them to stop cutting our jobs. Write letters to the editor of the newspapers. Attend the Board meeting on May 25th from 7-9 pm. Come in person or join via zoom. Contact Cindy Wang, Secretary Treasurer to get on the speakers list. We must stand together. Collectively we are stronger. We need your support!
In Solidarity
Ian Hillman
Cupe Local 716 President