Welcome to Your One Stop Shop for Bargaining Updates
As we move through the Bargaining Process, all updates will be posted here. The newest information will always be at the top. Please remember that any confidential updates will have to be sent out to personal email addresses, or communicated at Special Membership Meetings.
If you are not receiving those emails and would like to, please sign up below:
November 7, 2022 – Bargaining Begins
We will be meeting with the Employer twice this week, as we begin bargaining for local issues. Please watch this space for updates as they become available!
October 26, 2022 – Proposal Ratification Zoom
Thank you to our members that took the time out of their busy weekend to attend our Proposal Ratification Zoom Meeting. If you were unable to attend and want to know what was discussed, please reach out to Ian directly.
September 23, 2022 – Provincial Framework Agreement
September 23, 2022 – K-12 Presidents Council Bulletin: K-12 Provincial Framework Agreement
Updates on the Provincial Framework Agreement. If you have any questions at all about the difference between Provincial and Local bargaining please reach out and we will happily explain them to you.
September 20, 2022 – Tentative Agreement Reached
May 18, 2022 – Presidents Report
“For those that don’t know there are two bargaining tables. Provincially and locally. We bargain locally with the employer on local issues. The Provincial bargaining team is made up of K-12 representatives from locals from different regions in the Province. They bargain directly with the government through their bargaining group made up of BCPSEA members. This bargaining table bargains wages and benefits and other monetary and non monetary issues. They met in March but have not agreed to anything. They have taken a “break” from bargaining. The last offer was unacceptable. It was less than 2 percent per year for three years. Right now Cupe is joining other unions to push the government for a more acceptable offer.
Local Bargaining:
Your contract expires this year at midnight on June 30th. Please submit your bargaining proposals on this form to the union office by May 30th. As of today we have not met with the employer to begin bargaining. We have been asked to wait until the Provincial Bargaining committee has completed their bargaining before we exchange proposals and start local bargaining.”