Election Notice


Local 716 Election Committee consists of Trustees Marney Booth, Suzzan Poppell, and Matthew Lensen as per the bylaws which state:

Section 6     The President shall appoint an election committee comprised of Trustees and assistants as required. (Article B.3.1 of Local Bylaws)

The committee met on several dates and determined that the format of the election in the Bylaws provide for an in-person election to be held on the day of the Annual General Meeting in May.  Given the ongoing pandemic, this format was found to be untenable.

Full Election Notice – Click Here

Election Results are In.

Thank you to everyone who made a nomination and to those who have agreed to stand for a position. 

With a total of 229 ballots cast online, and 19 cast on paper the results are as follows:

  • 1st Vice President
    • Robinson, Stacey  66.94 % – will stand for Position
    • Rogers, Cody  33.06 % 
  • This means that Rogers, Cody will stand for and be acclaimed as Maintenance Shop Steward

Based on accepted nominations, the following positions have been acclaimed (names listed in alphabetical order by last name):

  • 2nd Vice President
    • Williams, Nancy 
  • Recording Secretary
    • Devitt, Lisa
  • Administrative Assistant
    • Henry, Louise 
  • Educational Assistant
    • Wanlin, Loreen
  • Operations
    • Bakker, Tim 
  • Para Educator
    • Martins, Colleen
  • Maintenance
    • Rogers, Cody
  • Trustee (3-year term)
    • Macklin, Erica
  •  Sgt-at-Arms
    • Lim, Eileen

The status of the rest/all of the positions is as follows (names listed in alphabetical order by last name):

Union Officials (2-year term)

 Shop Steward (1-year term)

  • Administrative Assistant
    • Henry, Louise – will stand; acclaimed to position
  • Educational Assistant
    • Wanlin, Loreen – will stand; acclaimed to position
  • Information Technology (Open until May Meeting)
    • Devitt, Lisa – declined nomination
    • Hern, Jacob – not enough meeting credits to stand for nomination
    • Kozlowski, Les – declined nomination
  • Maintenance
    • Dhaliwal, Jesse  not enough meeting credits to stand for nomination
    • Howells, Rob not enough meeting credits to stand for nomination
    • Peters, Cassidy not enough meeting credits to stand for nomination
    • Rogers, Cody (Candidate Profile) – will stand; acclaimed to position
    • Winterwerb, Mark not enough meeting credits to stand for nomination
  • Operations
    • Bakker, Tim – will stand; acclaimed to position
    • Howells, Rob not enough meeting credits to stand for nomination
  • Para Educator
    • Bakker, Tim – declined nomination
    • Martins, Colleen – will stand; acclaimed to position
    • Wanlin, Loreen – declined nomination
  • Transportation (Open until May meeting)
    • Kreklau, Sheri not enough meeting credits to stand for nomination


  • Trustee (3-year term)
    • Macklin, Erica – will stand; acclaimed to position
    • Martins, Colleen declined nomination
    • Ryan, Dianne – declined nomination
  • Sgt-at-Arms
    • Lim, Eileen  – will stand; acclaimed to position
    • Martins, Colleen – declined nomination
    • Ryan, Dianne – declined nomination