It is our tradition to honour our retiring members at our Annual Holiday Retirement Dinner/Dance.
We are looking forward to celebrating three year’s of retirees at our Holiday Dinner Dance at Riverside Banquet Hall.
If you would like to join us, tickets are available for $30 each. We strongly prefer cheque payments, please contact the office if you need to pay cash, and all ticket sales are final. Please ensure you pay promptly so we can finalize our numbers and plans with the venue.
Tickets are limited on a first come first served basis. Due to tight time constraints RSVPs and payments must be received by 1:30 pm on Wednesday November 9th, 2022 at the latest.
Cheques can be sent through the District Courier to the Union Office at Sea Island (please note – our mail is delivered on Mondays and Thursdays), dropped through the mailslot outside of door 1 at Sea Island School, or hand delivered to Erica at Sea Island School M-F from 9:30-1:30.