If the above form doesn’t work for you, visit the link below or scan the image:
For preliminary election results, please visit link below.
Shop Steward – Education Assistants
Martins, Colleen
Ryan, Dianne
Shop Steward – Administrative Assistants
Henry, Louise
Lim, Eileen
Shop Steward – Transportation
Inouye, Terri
Martins, Colleen
Union Officials (2-year term)
Shop Steward (1-year term)
NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN APRIL 14, 2021 at 4:30 pm at the Membership Meeting (Zoom) and close on APRIL 16 at 8:00 pm. ALL NOMINATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BEFORE CLOSING.
VOTING WILL OCCUR MAY 8, 2021 at 09:00 am to MAY 10, 2021 at 06:00 pm.
Voting will be available ELECTRONICALLY (ballot will be emailed to all who register)
IN-PERSON on MAY 10, 2021 in the PARKING LOT in front of the UNION OFFICE (Sea Island Elementary, 1891 Wellington Crescent, Richmond BC, V7B 1G6) between 12:30 pm and 6:00 pm
CLOSES ON MAY 3, 2021 at 06:00 pm.
1. Members who wish to vote, nominate someone for elected office, or stand for elected office, must register as a voter by completing the registration form above or CLICK HERE or visit https://bit.ly/325OzgS
2. All initiated members of Local 716 in good standing are eligible to vote, nominate someone other than themselves for an elected position, and stand for election for any of the advertised positions.
3. Pursuant provisions of the local bylaws, a member in good standing has signed a union card, paid their initiation fee (a nominal fee of $10) and was initiated in-person at a membership meeting by swearing or affirming an oath that states:
“I promise to support and obey the Constitution of this Union, to work to improve the economic and social conditions of other members and other workers, to defend and work to improve the democratic rights and liberties of workers and that I will not purposely or knowingly harm or assist in harming another member of the Union.”
4. Given that it will not be possible to initiate members who were recently hired or not yet initiated, the act of registering to vote will serve to fulfill the requirements of membership and initiation as required in the Bylaws.
5. Duties and descriptions of each of the positions listed above can be found in the Appendix of the Bylaws available online or by requesting it from the Union Office.
6. Get to know the Candidates
The period between April 16, 2021 and the election May 8-10 will be an opportunity for candidates to campaign and for the members to get to know them.
7. All candidates may submit a digital photo and a write-up about themselves, as an election poster, which will be posted on the local’s website on a first-come, first-serve basis by Terri Inouye, the Sargent-at-Arms and Communications Officer, by email at tinouyecupe716@gmail.com
8. Run-offs
As the bylaws call for election by simple majority which requires one candidate to receive 50%+1 of the votes before they are elected, it may be necessary to have run-offs. In the event of run-offs being necessary, we will announce the dates and times following the first round of balloting.
Once winners are known in each of the categories, the Election Officer will notify all the candidates and the National Representative and the results will be posted online.
9. Scrutineers
Candidates may appoint scrutineers by notifying the Election Officer.