Personal Details Picture Size Restrictions: Please make sure the image size is equal to or larger than 380 by 380 pixels. Position* Username* First Name* Last Name* Email* Mobile Phone* Biographical Info* Password* Confirm Password* Other Education/Experience or Relevant InformationUnion Experience Union Education/Courses Union Courses Select All That ApplyBARG - Analyzing your Collective Agreement BARG - At the Bargaining Table BARG - Bargaining solidarity BARG - How Bargaining Works BARG - Mobilizing for Bargaining BARG - Notetaking for bargaining BARG - Picket Captain Training BARG - Preparing for a Successful Strike BARG - Strategic Planning for Bargaining BARG - Surveying the Members BC CLC Facing Management Effectively BC Communicating CUPE / Social Media BC Retirement Planning BC Strategic Planning for the Executive Board Clear Language Combating Workplace Bullying 3hrs Combating Workplace Bullying 6hrs Combating Workplace Bullying 9hrs Conflict at Work Conflict Resolution Domestic Violence at Work Duty to Accommodate Harassment and Bullying at Work Health and Safety - An Introduction HS - Basics of Incident Investigations HS - Equality in Health and Safety HS - Ergonomics HS - Identifying and Documenting Hazards HS - Law and Orders HS - Making Committees Work HS - Mobilizing around Health and Safety HS - Recommendations and notetaking HS - Solidarity Beyond Borders HS - Understanding Mental Injuries at Work HS - Violence Prevention HS - Women and Work Hazards HS - Workload and Overwork Human Rights - An Introduction Introduction to Stewarding Labour History and the Class Struggle Today 9hrs Labour History and the Class Struggle Today 1 week Learning about First Peoples LET - A meeting guide for working with a new executive LET - Bylaw Essentials LET - Conflict-Ready Executives LET - Duty of Fair Representation LET - Essentials for Inclusive Unions LET - Financial Essentials LET - Financial Officers LET - Introduction to CUPE LET - Leadership Essentials LET - Leading as a Team LET - Parliamentary Procedure LET - Parliamentary Procedure - Refresher LET - Recording Secretaries LET - Strategic Planning Navigating Interpersonal and Group Conflict Pensions - An Introduction Pensions - The attack on our deferred wages: the real story Preparing to Lobby Public Speaking Respect at work: Stop Bullying Harassment and Violence Sexual Violence and Harassment at Work SLS - Ally skills for stewards SLS - Challenging racism in the workplace SLS - Challenging sexism in the workplace SLS - Conflict skills for stewards SLS - Creating accommodation-friendly workplaces SLS - Creating harassment-free workplaces SLS - Disability and ableism in the workplace SLS - Duty of fair representation SLS - Green action for stewards SLS - Grievance handling SLS - Growing our mobilizing power SLS - Handling discipline and discharge SLS - Literacy awareness SLS - Mediating member-to-member conflict SLS - Notetaking SLS - Popular economics for stewards SLS - Psychologically safe workplaces SLS - Representing gender and sexually diverse members SLS - Representing members in front of management SLS - Solidarity with Indigenous workers SLS - Stewards and health and safety SLS - Taking on privatization SLS - Understanding mental health SLS - What stewards need to know about arbitration SLS - What stewards need to know about bargaining Social Media Taking on Privatization 14hrs Taking on Privatization 9hrs The Big Picture: Why International Solidarity Transforming Conflict Union Supervisors in the Workplace Using our Power at Election Time Women Speaking Up Challenging Racism CLC Courses* Previous Roles* Previous RolesCommittees Committees Bargaining CommitteeNegotiating Committee Health & Safety Committee Job Evaluation Committee Social Committee/Good & Welfare Grievance Bencher Communications & Political Engagement Metro Council